Sorry for the lapse in posts but I have been working through the effects – and aftereffects – of COVID-19.
Despite my best attempts to avoid getting infected – including two original shots, three boosters, and always wearing a K-95 mask whenever I’m in an enclosed area outside my home – I finally tested “positive” for the virus right after Halloween (I’m pretty sure I caught it from one of the kids who stopped by for candy bars or the parents who were accompanying them).
In any event, please heed my warning – and don’t get lackadaisical about protecting yourself, especially now that we’re heading into that time of year when we tend to spend much more time indoors.
And if you do contract the virus, please try and get on Paxlovid right away (To get the full benefit of the medicine, you must start taking the stuff as soon as possible after you’ve tested “positive”). It does an amazing job of reducing most of the accompanying symptoms – and you only have to take it for 5 days.
So, back to work – and onto Part 2 of Carnac the Magnificent Predicts Keith Raniere’s Future!
PS/Max and I enjoyed our time quarantining with one another.