In addition to the free posts that it will publish for all its readers, Trials & Truths will also offer the following subscription options (Note: All readers will be given free access to all the additional features offered by these options through September 30, 2022):
Silver Level ($5.00/month or $50.00/year): These members will be able to access all the free content we publish – plus the following extras:
- An email notice and/or text message whenever a new post or Op-Ed has been published;
- Links to posts, reports, stories, etc. in other media outlets regarding trials and topics that we have already written about;
- Access to additional posts regarding trials and topics that we have already written about; and
- Access to the newsletter that will be published each Sunday (Each newsletter will provide summaries of the prior week’s posts – and outline trials and topics that will be covered during the upcoming week).
Gold Level ($10.00/month or $100.00/year): These members will be able to access all the free content we publish and all the extras that Silver Level members receive – plus the following extras:
- Access to all the filings that have taken place in whatever federal-level court cases we write about;
- Access to all the filings in certain state-level cases that we write about (Note: Some state-level courts grant public access to such filings while others do not); and
- Access to our monthly Op-Eds.
Platinum Level ($15.00/month or $150.00/year): These members will be able to access all the free content we publish and all the extras that Gold Level members receive – plus the following:
- Access to the trial transcripts, trial exhibits, and case filings from any trials that we cover; and
- Access to the Trials & Truths Forum that we plan to launch later this year – which will allow members to participate in Zoom presentations regarding certain cases and topics we have written about and to ask questions about those cases and topics.
We will not start taking subscriptions until September 1, 2022. In the meantime, enjoy all the features and options that are available on the Trials & Truths blog.